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Executive  Board

Jaz Leonard - President

Chapter Initiated: Zeta Rho (Texas A&M University)
Why Gamma Phi?: Two reasons really, at A&M, Gamma Phi was a recently chartered chapter and the opportunity to be part of creating the foundation of a chapter was something that I really didn't want to pass up.  Additionally, I really liked that our philanthropy was very hands-on. I felt like the other sororities only donated money, but we had an organization where we could volunteer and help on an ongoing basis and I felt that made more of an impact and wanted to be part of it.
Fun Fact: I drove the campus buses while I was in college

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Amber Mendoza - Treasurer & Public Relations VP

Chapter Initiated: Zeta Rho (Texas A&M University)
Why Gamma Phi?: I originally started the sorority recruitment process for a resume boost, and to find a couple of college friends. However, when going through recruitment it was obvious how close knit all the women in Zeta Rho were and that they were way more than just an organization. I also love how Gamma Phi encourages both collegiate and alum chapters to be hands on when it comes to giving back to the community. My mother worked non-profit for over half of my childhood, so volunteering has always been huge in my life.
Fun Fact: I accidentally interacted with poachers during my study abroad with Texas A&M in South Africa on my last night. My mother was far from happy when I called her excitedly to tell her.


Leanne Thompson - Vice President

Chapter Initiated: Tau (Colorado State)

Why Gamma Phi?: Why Gamma Phi? My college roommate and I decided to go through Rush (Recruitment) in the spring to see what sororities were like. When I went to the Gamma Phi Beta (GPB) House, the girls reminded me of the camp counselors I worked with in the summer. It was even more coincidental that Camp Fire Girls was the GPB philanthropy at that time as that was the camp I worked at. As the first person in our family to even go to college, I'm sure my parents didn't know what to expect when I told them I wanted to join the sorority. They enjoyed attending all the fun activities at the Mom's and Dad's weekends. After hearing about all my fun experiences with GPB and DAC, two of my nieces were excited to become GPB sisters.

Fun Fact: I had been to all continental states, Canada, and Mexico before I graduated from college. Since college, I have been to Hawaii and Alaska. My husband and I have travelled to 6 continents.

Audrey Folsom - Co-Collegiate Relations VP

Chapter Initiated: Beta Rho (University of Colorado Boulder)

Why Gamma Phi?:  I joined Gamma Phi initially to make connections while at a large university. I met my best friends, study buddies, lab partners, hiking buddies, swole mates. and had such an incredible college experience because of it.

Fun Fact: I have 4 fur children (2 German Shepherds and 2 kitties).​​​​

Brittni Wexler - Co-Collegiate Relations VP

Chapter Initiated: Beta Rho (University of Colorado Boulder)

Why Gamma Phi?: When I went through recruitment, I was overwhelmed by the positivity of the Gamma Phi
house. Everyone seemed to authentically care about not only me, but each other. I also fell in love with the philanthropy’s focus of building up strong girls in the community. As a therapist, this really resonated with my personal values.

Fun Fact: I traveled to Switzerland with one of my sorority sisters and we went on a cow trekking excursion where we rode on the back of cows through a field in the middle of nowhere. Such a strange and incredible experience.

Casey Rhines - Membership VP

Chapter Initiated: Zeta Nu (University of Detroit Mercy)

Why Gamma Phi?: I joined gamma phi because I love our philanthropic focus of strong women building strong girls. I loved being surrounded by likeminded women who wanted to build up others. 

Fun Fact: I was a walk on fencer for my college's division 1 team! â€‹


Judy Lacy - Officer in Rotation for Denver Panhellenic Council

Chapter Initiated: Theta ( University of Denver)

Why Gamma Phi?: When I was going through Recruitment at DU, I felt most at home with Gamma Phi Beta. As the years have gone by, I treasure the friendships I have made through Gamma Phi.

Fun Fact: I worked at IH for five years. 

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Cheryl Myhra - Panhellenic Affairs VP

Chapter Initiated: Omega (Iowa State)

Why Gamma Phi?: I found Gamma Phi a welcoming environment when I was recruited in 1966 and have continued to find friends throughout the years.  The lifelong commitment to Gamma Phi has also yielded lifelong rewards.  I belong to a group of Gamma Phis from 5 different chapters who meet for lunch once a month.  I also do a weekly Zoom call with Omega sisters who were in my recruitment class over 50 years ago. 

Fun Fact: I retired after spending 43 years in education.  Since my retirement I have continued to play tennis twice a week. 

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Melissa Zaremba - Philanthropy VP

Chapter Initiated: Beta Omicron (Oklahoma City University)

Why Gamma Phi?: It felt like home from day one of recruitment. Every person I spoke to was authentic, genuine and made me feel like that was exactly where I was supposed to be. 

Fun Fact: I was a Radio City Rockette for 8 years

Allison Hannahs - Programming VP

Chapter Initiated: Beta Beta (University of Maryland)

Why Gamma Phi?:  I joined gamma phi—both as a collegiate and an alumni—for the amazing people and opportunities. In college, I felt aligned with the chapter’s values and philanthropy, and was excited for the opportunity to rebuild the chapter from the ground up as it was re-chartering at the University of Maryland. I grew so much through holding leadership positions, and the chapter introduced me to some of my best friends. Joining the DAC has given me the chance to connect with more incredible people in a new city, proving that gamma phi is truly life long!
Fun Fact: I was the chapter president of the Beta Beta chapter in 2018.

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